Camp 2 on Manaslu. Photo: Sergi Mingote
On September 25, Catalan mountaineer Sergi Mingote summited Manaslu, his third 8,000’er in just 70 days. Three peaks remain before he completes the six-summit project he calls 3x2x8000. Mountaineer Moeses Fiamoncini and four Sherpas accompanied Mingote on a 16-hour ascent through dismal conditions and a dangerously strong wind.
As they approached the summit, the clouds parted and beautiful views spurred them on. The descent was even longer than the climb up, but an upbeat Mingote has decided to continue on to Dhaulagiri, the next on his list of three paired 8,000’ers.

Manaslu and Pinnacle East. Photo: Stefan Nestler