The coronavirus wiped out the 2020-2021 Antarctic season and it looked touch-and-go whether this year’s season would go ahead. Fortunately, the coldest continent is once again open for business.
Now, the first non-government expedition since January 2020 has landed in Antarctica. Brits Jamie Facer-Childs and Justin Packshaw flew into Antarctica yesterday and are now preparing for their 4,000km expedition.
First, the pair plan to kite-ski 1,770km from the Russian Novolazarevskaya base to the South Pole of Inaccessibility, the point on the continent that is furthest from the Southern Ocean. From there, they will continue for 900km to the South Pole. Finally, they make for Hercules Inlet, another 1,290km.

The proposed route. Photo: Chasing the Light Antarctica 2021
They have budgeted 80 days in total for the huge journey, but such a pace is not unprecedented. In 2019-2020, Australian Geoff Wilson completed a 5,306km kite-ski journey in just 58 days. His “longest polar journey” also took in the South Pole of Inaccessibility and finished at the Novolazarevskaya base.
Facer-Childs and Packshaw’s expedition will feature the usual scientific elements, with real-time physiological and psychological monitoring. Their snazzy website does a great job of relaying this information: stress levels, heart rate, and hours slept will all be tracked.