Chasing Dreams Travel

Chasing Dreams Travel

Title: Writer
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
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Education & Certifications

  • Education: Diploma in Travel Journalism (Morris Journalism Academy), Certificate in Fitness Industry Training, Level 5 (CPIT 2000 & 2002), Certificate 4 Travel & Tourism
  • Years of Writing: 4
  • Certifications: Certificate 1 Editing (Learning Cloud), Nano Degree Digital marketing (Udacity), Biomechanics (NESTA), Certificate in Sports Nutrition (CPIT 2002), Certificate in ‘foot & gait mechanics’ (NASM 2012), Certificate in Biomechanics Specialist (Nesta 2013), Certificate ‘nutrition & metabolic syndrome’ (NASM 2012), Certificate in Scientific Back Conditioning (Chek Institute 2013)

A Word from Alex Myall

  • Why Author Chose This Career: Ever since I can remember, I have written my thoughts down. Later, that turned into writing periodically for publications in the fitness industry, on blogs and even in the prestigious London Telegraph at one point. Eventually I recognized that at every turn, I was looking for places to write. When the opportunity to write for ExplorersWeb came up, it provided an avenue to write about human response to exploration, endurance or survival.
  • How Author Began Career: I started writing for various publications while working in the fitness industry, when I moved into travel the writing element bridged the two passions.
  • Personal Interests: Trail Running and travel

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