Ash Routen

Ash Routen

Title: Writer
Location: Leicester, UK
Social Media Links:
Instagram | Bluesky


  • Topics of Expertise: Arctic travel, Mountaineering, Science, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Gear
  • Years in This Expertise: 22
  • Number of Products & Number of Hours Expert has Tested: 50+ products, 500+ hours


  • Education: PhD Physical Activity & Public Health, University of Worcester, UK
  • Years of Writing: 8
  • Club or Association Memberships: John Muir Trust, Woodland Trust

A Word from Ash Routen

  • Why Author Chose This Career: To write about the people and adventures that inspire me.
  • How Author Began Career: I started a blog, enjoyed it, and then pitched some ideas to outdoor magazines. The rest is history.
  • Personal Interests: Backpacking, Camping, Arctic travel, Photography, Science.

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

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ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Rosie Swale-Pope Reaches Norway

Rosie Swale-Pope, 75, has reached Bergen, Norway during her...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...
Portrait of Marc-André Leclerc

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Rick Allen: An Understated Legend

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Rockfall Kills Nine Tourists in Indian Himalaya

Earlier today, a rockfall on a mountainside in northern...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Rosie Swale-Pope Up And Running Again

The ever-determined Rosie Swale-Pope is on the road again,...
Mountaineer with skis on back along airy ridge

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...
Closeup of man rowing ocean.

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of The Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Tributes Pour in for Dixie Dansercoer

Adventurers around the globe have paid tribute to Dixie...

Renowned Polar Guide Dixie Dansercoer Dies in Crevasse Fall

Yesterday evening, veteran Belgian polar explorer and guide Dixie...
A Sherpa smiling widely

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...
Climber on rock face

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Rosie Swale-Pope to Restart UK-Nepal Run…From the Beginning

Long-term readers of ExWeb will be familiar with the...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

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