Kristine De Abreu

Kristine De Abreu

Title: Writer
Location: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago


  • Topics of Expertise: Science, Mysteries, History
  • Years in This Expertise: 4+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: Bachelor’s of English and History, University of Leicester
  • Years of Writing: 4+
  • Previous Publications: Caribbean Beat Magazine

A Word from Kristine de Abreu

  • Why Author Chose This Career: I am living out my passion for writing and adventure. It is the best of both worlds.
  • How Author Began Career: I found ExplorersWeb through the British College of Journalism in the UK. Normally, I scroll past such postings, but curiosity got the better of me.
  • Personal Interests: Hiking, Lord of the Rings, cats, literature, mysteries
illustration of thule

Exploration Mysteries: Thule

I first encountered the word “Thule” in college while...
A U.S. Navy ship

Exploration Mysteries: The Philadelphia Experiment

It is a cheesy B-movie, an iconic X-Files episode,...
Vampire grave with a sickle across the neck.

Exploration Mysteries: Vampire Graves

Robert Eggers' film Nosferatu has renewed interest in vampires....

Exploration Mysteries: Belovodye

Picture a land free of politics and persecution. The...
crystal skull

Before Indiana Jones, There Were Other Crystal Skulls

I am prepared to risk it all by admitting...
photo with black space below and the Earth above

Exploration Mysteries: Black Knight Satellite

My grandfather and I had a daily ritual when...
Dighton Rock

Exploration Mysteries: Dighton Rock

Petroglyphs are hard puzzles to decipher. Despite a wealth...
a painting of Adam Johann von Krusenstern in Kamchatka's Avacha Bay

Great Explorers: Adam Johann von Krusenstern

In the early 1800s, a Russian naval officer pored...
hiking group lost

Exploration Mysteries: The Khamar Daban Incident

Imagine kayaking on a river with your friends. It’s...
kayaker standing with paddle

Jelle Veyt Begins Cycling to Aconcagua

Belgian adventurer Jelle Veyt has been attempting to tackle...
A statue of Zheng He.

Great Explorers: Zheng He

Fifteenth-century China was a maritime powerhouse that explored new...
A portrait of Tavernier.

Great Explorers: Jean Baptiste Tavernier

During the violence and instability of 17th-century Europe, monarchies...
ghost ship

Exploration Mysteries: Ghost Ships

“July 11th. At 4 am, the Flying Dutchman crossed...
One of the last photos of Paul Knutsen and Peter Tessem.

Exploration Mysteries: Peter Tessem and Paul Knutsen

In 1919, Peter Tessem could not bear his chronic...
Libyan desert rocks

Natural Wonders: Valley of the Planets

You don’t need to be an astronaut or a...

Exploration Mysteries: Did King Solomon’s Mines Really Exist?

In 1934, an archaeologist was digging in the Timna...
Map of the world

Exploration Mysteries: The Lost Continent of Argoland

Can a continent disappear? Many cultures have stories of...
Skara Brae

Exploration Mysteries: What Happened to Skara Brae?

Frozen in time, abandoned for 4,500 years, and under...
vertical axis windmills

Asbads: The Original Windmills of the Middle-East

As the Chinese proverb goes, "When the winds of...
The Bathysphere

The Birth of Deep Sea Exploration: Tales from the Bathysphere

Today we have advanced submersibles and ocean mapping technologies,...
Spanish gold coins.

Exploration Mysteries: The Treasure of Lima

It is 1820 and Peru is in chaos. Disaffection...
Illustration of Benjamin of Tudela.

Great Explorers: Benjamin of Tudela

Before Marco Polo and the great medieval travelers, a...
AI illustration of Zerzura.

Exploration Mysteries: Zerzura

In 1481, a mysterious figure emerged from the desert...
buffalypso in a forest

Weirdest Animal Hybrids: What on Earth is a Buffalypso?

At school, wildlife is pretty straightforward. Kids are told...

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