Horia and Hamor top out Manaslu new route prep climb

Highlight: Expedition dispatches

Bucharest, May 10 2016: Horia Colibăşanu reached the peak. Manaslu (8.163m) Nepali Himalayan today, 10 May at 13.00 local time, after 13 hours of effort. “It was the most strenuous ascent.” “SUMMIT! 1:00 Nepal. Wind between 40-50km / h, “Horia Colibăşanu transmitted via sms on your satellite afternoon. It was the most exhausting day peak, said Romanian climber. Colibasanu and his Slovak Peter Hámor assault began at 12:00 at night, at an altitude of 7.100m, the standard route (N-E), opened in 1956. Follow Japanese descent, which is as important as the ascent. An ascent is considered successful when climbers reach the base camp on their own. The most difficult portion of the mountain lies between T1 and T2, an area with walls of ice, crevasses and Seracs, which climbers have crossed it safely to climb. “I have never swam so long in the snow” Slovak-Romanian team reached base camp (TB) on April 14 and began to climb to the summit on May 4. In the meantime, equipped climbers route to near camp 2 (T2 – 6.400 m) and waited a forecast of good weather […]
