Last year, Outside called Jack Kuenzle “the newest fastest-known-time superhero,” after he beat Kilian Jornet’s time on a fabled route through England’s Lake District. Now, it looks like Kuenzle has toppled another impressive FKT, Karl Egloff’s 11-hour 44-minute effort on Denali.
Kuenzle has not released his official time yet, but his social media posts suggest he beat the time by almost 90 minutes. He posted a provisional time of 10 hours and 14 minutes.

Jack Kuenzle’s post on Instagram. Photo: Jack Kuenzle
Information remains limited, but Kuenzle apparently stuck to the same style guidelines as Jornet (and presumably Egloff). He “carried all his gear…climbed rescue gully and never touched the fixed lines. The only water he picked up was cached at 14,000ft, as Kilian [Jornet] did,” the social media post detailed.