Back in Talkeetna after the bush plane finally picked him up from the glacier, Jost Kobusch has some frostnip on his face. He also says he has lost 10% of his body weight during his solo winter climb of Denali. “It’s good to be back,” he says.

Kobusch, a little the worse for wear after Denali. Photo: Jost Kobusch/Instagram
The airlift was not an option for several days because of bad weather. Yesterday was flying weather, but the plane had mechanical problems and Kobusch was not sure he’d get out.
“I was starting to dig a snow cave when I heard a plane [at the] last minute. I told myself, ‘Hey! It’s gonna be today!'”
Back in town, he prepared to enjoy his first shower in three weeks. “It’s going to be a HOT one,” he promised.

Jost Kobusch. Photo: Jost Kobusch/Instagram