Update, Feb. 26: Both K2 teams are back in Base Camp due to high wind conditions. News expected later today from Nanga Parbat.
In a last-ditch effort to salvage expeditions stymied so far by wind and snow, teams are moving up K2 and Nanga Parbat, despite continuing bad weather.
Spaniard Alex Txikon and Nepali Cheppal Sherpa reached Camp 2 at 6,650m on K2 yesterday. “Weather is horrible, it’s bitter cold and windy,” Txikon said. “If conditions improve tomorrow, the rest of the team will join us here.”
Vassiliy Pivtsov , Artem Braun, together with Aubakirov and Danichkin, reached 6,416m as well. According to RussianClimb, 18 climbers have fought their way up to the upper camps. Their goal is to pitch Camp 3 at 7,300 meters, using gear previously cached at the top of the Black Pyramid, about 100m below. Yesterday, they were bummed to discover that Camp 2 had disappeared during the storm, forcing them to grab a tent stored down at Camp 1.

Climbers slogging up Nanga Parbat. Photo: Daniele Nari
There is also action at last on Nanga Parbat. The checker games ended on the weekend, and Daniele Nardi and Tom Ballard have set up Camp 4 at 6,000m. Next stop: the Mummery Spur. Today, their Base Camp staff reported no news. “They’re are probably out of reach of the radio and, being a cloudy day, they can’t be spotted on the face, either,” they said.
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