Miquel Mas and Marc Subirana of Spain have returned to Latok II to finish the new 1,000m route they started last year.
The pair reached base camp on July 21 and seized the short periods of acceptable weather to pitch an advanced base camp at 4,950m at the foot of the face.
They then climbed the lower part of the wall until they reached a gear depot they had left last year, hanging on the face at 5,700m. In 2022, they climbed six more pitches, until 6,000m, and left some ropes. But it seems that some of the ropes may be damaged, the climbers told their home team.

Base Camp near Latok II.

The Biafo Glacier and its surroundings, with the Latok massif and Baintha Brakk in the upper right corner. Map: Caingram.info
Latok II’s main summit is 7,108m, but the line that Mas and Subirana are climbing leads to a secondary point, which is 6,400m high.