This year, two teams showed up to attempt the first ascent of the biggest unclimbed peak in Pakistan — Muchu Chhish, in the Batura range of the northern Karakorum.
One is a Czech team, making their third attempt to the mountain. The second group, the Czechs reported last week, is French. Or so they thought.
“Who said French? We’re Norwegians,” Andreas Ebbesen and Thomas Lone told ExplorersWeb via polar guide Lars Ebbesen.
In their previous post, the Czechs seemed not exactly elated to have neighbors/competitors. Meanwhile, the presence of the Czechs also took the Norwegians by surprise.
“Thomas and Andreas did not know about the Czechs till they started,” said Lars Ebbesen. “Of course, they knew of their previous attempts, since Andreas has had the mountain in mind since 2018…But it was not until this year that the opportunity has arisen.”

Left to right, Andreas Ebbesen and Thomas Lone. Photo: Andreas Ebbesen/Instagram
Memories of the South Pole race
The Czech climbers have waited out a six-day rainy spell. Today, they set off from Base Camp and went straight to Camp 2 at 5,660m. The mountain had barely stabilized after a snowstorm yesterday, but the Czechs couldn’t wait to get moving — and get up first. They plan to hurry up to Camp 3 in the morning.
“There were also rumors from the Norwegian camp about leaving for C2,” they wrote, drawing a parallel with the Amundsen-Scott race to the South Pole. “We prefer…to be the first.”
Speed skiers

File image of Andreas Ebbesen kite-skiing. Photo: Andreas Ebbesen/Facebook
Thomas Lone is familiar to ExplorersWeb readers as a member of the Death Zone Freeride expedition at Broad Peak. He is active in all sorts of ski sports, including kiting. Meanwhile, Andreas Ebbesen was the youngest to ski across Greenland at 13 years old in 2003. He has summited Denali and Pik Korzhenevskaya, as well as many other 5,000’ers and 6,000’ers.