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“It will always be a special place” Mount Everest 2017 kickoff interview with Ryan Waters

That time again (and commenting the North Pole season)...

Adventure Dogs, Spirit and Ara: Changing in a changing world

Did I know this day was coming? Yes, of...

Barneo 2017: Construction and Blessings – Updated

Construction of the runway, and a church service in...

Everest Expedition 2017

Pythom Dispatch Feed Content (Adventure Consultants) Our New Zealand...

Three climbers free 1200-meter route on Central Tower of Torres del Paine

Pythom News Feed content (Alpinist) "This is undoubtedly the...

How a Filmmaker Took Skateboarders Out of the City and Into the Outdoors

Pythom News Feed Content ( Norwegian filmmaker Jørn Nyseth...

Paco Acedo diving Finland’s Lake Inari

Plus, 120 km ski crossing of the Sacred Lake...

Spanish explorer PACO ACEDO diving under Inari Lake ice

For the first time an explorer crosses the Inari...

This Week on Pythom

7 days gone; exciting times ahead Barneo Arctic camp...

UPDATED Barneo: Russians’ first airdrop near North Pole (2017 season)

Ilyushin-76 and MI-8 helicopters coordinate fuel and people airdrop...

GPS tracking on Everest: The community reacts

Checking in with veteran outfitter Mountain Professionals Everest, Himalaya...

Crackdown on fake summits: Nepal to track Everest climbers

Truth: GPS to the rescue Gripped reported Wednesday that...

North Pole: Martin Murray talks to Exweb/Pythom

Plus, dog Sky's reaction ...

Wounded Warriors for Wildlife

Pythom Crowd Funding Projects Content In October 2017, I...

Interview: Sung-Taek Hong Returns to Lhotse South Face – Jorge Egocheaga Joins

Team heads towards the mountain in first week of...

Steck before Everest expedition: “Rather late than early” (Nestler)

Pythom News Feed Content (Nestler) He looks forward, not...

The 9 Most Famous Adventure Dogs

Pythom News Feed Content Sometimes the greatest outdoors companion...

This Week on Pythom

Intense Week at Pythom We had barely finished typing...

Barneo: Russians and Norwegians reached agreement

Russians started search for ice floe ...

Is Facebook A Structural Threat To Free Society?

In the News (Truthhawk) What is the machine zone?...

Obituary: Royal Robbins (1935–2017)

Pythom News Feed Content On Tuesday, March 14, California...

PythomSpace in the News: Red Bull

Heads-up Here goes another write up about our upcoming...

Doug Scott: “Pioneer your own way”

In the news “The interesting thing is to pioneer...

Lab update: Landers on the table (PythomSpace)

Pythom Lab update Last week we introduced the rocket...