Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marshall

Andrew Marshall is an award-winning painter, photographer, and freelance writer. Andrew’s essays, illustrations, photographs, and poems can be found scattered across the web and in a variety of extremely low-paying literary journals.
You can find more of his work at, @andrewmarshallimages on Instagram and Facebook, and @pawn_andrew on Twitter (for as long as that lasts).

Andrew Marshall is an award-winning painter, photographer, and freelance writer. Andrew’s essays, illustrations, photographs, and poems can be found scattered across the web and in a variety of extremely low-paying literary journals.

You can find more of his work at, @andrewmarshallimages on Instagram and Facebook, and @pawn_andrew on Twitter (for as long as that lasts).

a photo of mars

What Does the Wind Feel Like on Mars?

The first thing you might ask yourself upon reading...
coyote pack

Why Did Coyotes Kill This Hiker in 2009? Now We Know

In 2009, coyotes in Cape Breton Highlands National Park,...
Muskox in snow

In Rare Attack, Muskox Kills Alaskan Man

A muskox killed an Alaskan State Trooper Court Services...
an an illustration of an asteroid against a starfield

Space Agency Issues Challenge: Find the Christmas Asteroid

Christmas is coming early for amateur astronomers. On Dec....
Log-range shot of the four climbers atop a Greenland mountain

Coming Soon: Villanueva O’Driscoll and the Dodos Do Greenland

How to describe the Dodos? A band of merry...
The 'Horonuku', the land yacht that broke the wind-powered land speed record.

222 Kilometres Per Hour — By Wind Power Alone!

By anyone's standards, 222kph is speedy. If the only...
skiing in BC

Weekend Warm-Up: ‘NEOTENY’, or The Joys of Playing in the Snow

If you don't have a silly grin on your...
deep sea batfish

Fascinating Deep-Sea Creatures Discovered Off Western Australia

Scientists on an Australian research vessel found stunning deep-sea...
a close up of hands brushing off artifacts

UK Archaeologists Discover “Richest of its Kind” Medieval Necklace

Archeologists working in the small English village of Harpole,...
a campfire

New Find Prompts Controversy Over Whether Pre-Humans Used Fire

Paleoanthropologist and National Geographic Explorer Lee Berger announced on...
Sergey Zimov in the opening scenes of "Pleistocene Park."

Film Review: Climate Change Optimism and Fatalism Battle in ‘Pleistocene Park’

It's a well-used trope that freshly minted parents view...
View of Mount Civetta, Dolomites, from Rifugio Vazzoler mountain hut.

Climbers Meet Accidentally When Two Big New Routes Link Up in Dolomites

One elegant new route on Torre Trieste — a...
Isidora Llarena skies towards Cerro Arenales

A Three-Week Traverse of the Northern Patagonia Icecap

Climbers Isidora Llarena, Rebeca Caceres, and Nadine Lehner recently...
Jerry Kobalenko receives the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal

ExWeb Editor Honored For Exploration, Arctic Work

ExplorersWeb editor Jerry Kobalenko is no stranger to plaudits....
Teegan Phillips

Woman Aborts Solo African Cycling Trip After Two Days

Tegan Phillips, the first solo female cyclist to attempt...
the summit of Scafell Pike

The Woman Who Climbed England’s Highest Peak in the Early 1800s

These days it's not unusual for all sorts of...
Erick Cedeño on a bike

Retracing the Buffalo Soldiers’ Legendary Cycle Across America

Erick Cedeno — known to Instagram as the Bicycle...
skier on the edge of a cornice, shot from behind

WATCH: Somehow, a Skier Survives This Avalanche

File this under close calls. A man in Khakassia...
an image from the Webb Telescope

A Star is Born: Webb Telescope Reveals Protostar

Space is big. Vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big. And while...
a circle of sheep in China's inner mongolia region

The Great Sheep Mystery: Why Are Dozens of Sheep Walking in a Circle?

Well, here's some weird news for ewe. A flock...
backlit elephant in orange light

Elephant Attacks in Zimbabwe Raise Tension Between Conservation, Farming

The elephant population of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe...
a gloomy octopus

The Gloomy Octopus Hurls Things at its Neighbors

Today is the day you can emotionally identify with...
a western Australian landscape

Ancient Australian Fossils Could Help the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

A new study claims that 3.48 billion-year-old fossils in...
divers finding a piece of the challenger explosion

Bermuda Triangle Expedition Finds Piece of the Challenger Shuttle

Divers shooting an episode of a HISTORY Channel show...

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