Rebecca McPhee

Rebecca McPhee

Title: Freelance Writer
Location: Northampton, UK
Social Media Links:


  • Topics of Expertise: Swimming, rowing, open water sports, marine wildlife, adventure travel
  • Years in This Expertise: 5+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University / MSc International Marine Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University / Diploma: Freelance Journalism, British College of Journalism / PGCE and QTS Secondary Science Education, Northampton Teacher Training Partnership
  • Years of Writing: 3
  • Certifications: MMO, PAM, PADI Rescue Diver

A Word from Rebecca McPhee

  • Why Author Chose This Career: Being a freelance writer for ExplorersWeb allows me to combine my love of ocean sports, science, and writing.
  • How Author Began Career: Whilst working for a publishing company I realized I wanted to write rather than edit. Doing this in a freelance capacity allows me to teach at the same time
  • Personal Interests: Open Water Swimming, Diving, Hiking, Rowing, Marine Conservation, Travel
Bat stars crawl along the seabed

Starfish Are Bodiless Heads

It's not easy to tell which part of a...
An artists impression of the dinosaurs going extinct.

We Now Understand Better How an Asteroid Killed Off The Dinosaurs

Around 66 million years ago, a massive asteroid crashed...
An image of the mermaid mummy

Another Japanese ‘Mummy Mermaid’ Blends Fish, Monkey, Dragon

In 1906, an American sailor bought an unusual souvenir...
The upper half of a mummy within a coffin

Archaeologists Find Book of the Dead in Ancient Egyptian Cemetery

Archaeologists have discovered a 3,500-year-old cemetery in Egypt. It...
Mont Blanc

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
The exposures from 1952. The first image shows the three stars and in the second they have seemingly vanished.

The Mystery of the Vanishing Stars

In July 1952, a curious incident happened at California's...
A sample of Poidebard's 1934 aerial photographs.

Cold War Spy Satellite Photos Reveal Hundreds of Roman Forts

Declassified photos from U.S. Cold War spy satellites show...
A boat of Thaua hunters follow killer whales.

The Orcas That Hunted Alongside Humans

For generations, humans in New South Wales, Australia had...
A map showing the location of the Diomedes Islands

Books for Explorers: The Atlas of Unusual Borders  

Those of us who do expeditions rely on maps...
The Pyramid of Sahure.

Archaeologists Discover Hidden Chambers In Egyptian Pyramid

Archaeologists have uncovered eight hidden chambers in the pyramid...
An artists impression of a large collision on the early Earth

Scientists Solve Mystery of Precious Metals in Earth’s Mantle

Platinum and gold are common, if expensive, in watches,...
A picture of the Africa shipwreck covered in mussels

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
The red planet

What Caused the Biggest Quake Ever on Mars?

On May 4, 2022, NASA’s InSight lander detected a...
Gorton bothy in the Southwest Highlands.

Big Bothy Walk Completed

Juls Stodel has finished her walk around all 104...
Tom Robinson in his boat Maiwar.

Ocean Rowing Roundup for October 

Since our last ocean rowing roundup, three journeys have...
An aerial view of a pine forest.

Do Plants Have Feelings? ‘Dubious,’ Says New Study

There has long been a debate over whether plants...
The Grand Canyon at sunrise.

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
bare hills in Jordan's Rift Valley

Out of Africa: Early Humans Followed Several Routes, Not One

When humans migrated out of Africa 84,000 years ago,...
TJ Watt and Tyson Atleo stand by the massive cedar tree

Conservationist Finds 1,000-Year-Old Red Cedar in Canada

A photographer who searches for giant trees has found...
A male lion roaring

For Wildlife, the Human Voice is Scarier than the Lion’s Roar

Animals in Kruger National Park, South Africa, fear human...
BlueWalker 3 from space

This Satellite Is Brighter Than Most Stars

A recently launched satellite is shining more brightly than...
A female scuba diver

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
Robinson's boat

Tom Robinson Rescued on Final Stage of Pacific Row

Tom Robinson’s Pacific row has come to a dramatic...
Part of the tomb.

1,400-Year-Old Tomb Reveals Ancient Chinese Power Struggle

Archaeologists have uncovered the tomb of Emperor Xiaomin, in...

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