Rebecca McPhee

Rebecca McPhee

Title: Freelance Writer
Location: Northampton, UK
Social Media Links:


  • Topics of Expertise: Swimming, rowing, open water sports, marine wildlife, adventure travel
  • Years in This Expertise: 5+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University / MSc International Marine Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University / Diploma: Freelance Journalism, British College of Journalism / PGCE and QTS Secondary Science Education, Northampton Teacher Training Partnership
  • Years of Writing: 3
  • Certifications: MMO, PAM, PADI Rescue Diver

A Word from Rebecca McPhee

  • Why Author Chose This Career: Being a freelance writer for ExplorersWeb allows me to combine my love of ocean sports, science, and writing.
  • How Author Began Career: Whilst working for a publishing company I realized I wanted to write rather than edit. Doing this in a freelance capacity allows me to teach at the same time
  • Personal Interests: Open Water Swimming, Diving, Hiking, Rowing, Marine Conservation, Travel
Michelle Lee arriving in Australia.

Ocean Rowing Roundup for April

Since our last ocean rowing round-up, several crews have...
The two coins were found on Gotska Sandön

Roman Coins Found on Uninhabited Island Baffle Experts

Archaeologists have found two Roman coins on an uninhabited...
Great white skark

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
A severed hand.

Severed Hands Discovered in Egypt Hint at Grim Ritual

Archaeologists have found a dozen severed hands at the...

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
An elephant and calf.

Did Elephants Make Themselves Less Aggressive?

People often associate elephants with emotion. Elephants reach out...

Stonehenge Isn’t an Ancient Calendar After All

The purpose of Stonehenge has long been a mystery....
Man on a stand-up paddleboard under dark skies

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
The blue-ringed octopus.

Woman Bitten By Deadly Blue-Ringed Octopus Will Survive

On March 16, a blue-ringed octopus bit a woman...
A team of scientists look at a preserved extinct species.

Scientists Want to Clone Extinct Bison

Russian scientists have uncovered a previously unknown species of...
Greenland sled dogs

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
Chief priest Kozen Kuida and the mermaid.

Priest Vows to Take Care of ‘Mummified Mermaid’

Although the mummified ‘mermaid’ that scientists discovered last year...
Abou Heif after winning the race across Lake Michigan

Legends Series: Marathon Swimmer Abdellatief Abou Heif

Many consider Abdellatief Abou Heif the greatest long-distance swimmer...
The ocean.

Ocean Rowing Roundup for March

Since our last roundup, several crews have been battling...
A fin whale with scoliosis.

The Fin Whale With A Broken Back

A fin whale with a severely bent spine has...
portrait of Eruc at sea

Erden Eruc Ends Six Summits Project

Erden Eruc has aborted his Six Summits Project. Since...
A cliff in Morocco, with climber

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
A long-tailed macaque using a stone.

Thai Monkeys Make the Same Stone Tools As Early Humans

Monkeys in Thailand’s forests are -- unintentionally -- making...
The Amazon river.

Amazon Peoples Resist ‘Kissing-Bug Disease’

Scientists have pinpointed an exciting evolutionary mutation in South...
Portaging a yellow canoe through the woods

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
The mermaid mummy.

Foot-Long ‘Mermaid’ Mummy Discovered in Japanese Temple

In 2022, researchers found a foot-long 'mermaid' inside the...
Paddling a Patagonian fiord next to a glacier

Scottish Pair to Kayak from Punta Arenas to Cape Horn 

In the next few days, Will Copestake and Seumas...
Alexander Campbell camping in Australia

Long-Distance Hiking Roundup

Around the world, several long-distance hikes are in progress....

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