Rebecca McPhee

Rebecca McPhee

Title: Freelance Writer
Location: Northampton, UK
Social Media Links:


  • Topics of Expertise: Swimming, rowing, open water sports, marine wildlife, adventure travel
  • Years in This Expertise: 5+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University / MSc International Marine Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University / Diploma: Freelance Journalism, British College of Journalism / PGCE and QTS Secondary Science Education, Northampton Teacher Training Partnership
  • Years of Writing: 3
  • Certifications: MMO, PAM, PADI Rescue Diver

A Word from Rebecca McPhee

  • Why Author Chose This Career: Being a freelance writer for ExplorersWeb allows me to combine my love of ocean sports, science, and writing.
  • How Author Began Career: Whilst working for a publishing company I realized I wanted to write rather than edit. Doing this in a freelance capacity allows me to teach at the same time
  • Personal Interests: Open Water Swimming, Diving, Hiking, Rowing, Marine Conservation, Travel

A Roundup of Long-Distance Swims in the UK for Summer 2022

From a woman swimming the length of the UK...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

106 Marathons in 106 Days? Really?

In the sufferfest department, Fay Cunningham, 35, and Emma...

Long-Distance Hiking Roundup

Around the world, several significant long-distance hikes are in...
Man stands beside kayak in harbor

Solo Kayaker Tries Again to Paddle From California to Hawaii

Cyril Derreumaux, 45, is attempting to kayak from San...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
A river of plastic garbage in the ocean

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Ocean Rowing Roundup for May

In our last update, just two rowing expeditions were...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Ryan Finn Sails 22,500km from New York to San Francisco

On April 22, Ryan Finn completed a 22,500km solo...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Natural Wonders: Pingualuit Crater

In the Nunavik region of northern Quebec, not far...
Brendon Grimshaw.

The Man Who Bought a Tropical Island and What He Did With It

In 1962, Brendon Grimshaw did something many of us...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Ocean Rowing Roundup for April

Since our last Ocean Rowing Roundup, one man has...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Legends Series: Heinz Stücke

In November 1962, 22-year old Heinz Stücke cycled out...

Exploring Sweden’s Largest Underwater Cave System

In 2007, a group of cave divers began probing...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Weekend Warm-Up: Unknown Factors

In 2018, Hansjorg Auer planned to lead a group...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Victoria Evans is the Fastest Woman to Row the Atlantic 

Victoria Evans has shattered the female speed record for...

12 Women Begin 5,000Km Trek Across Himalaya

Twelve women over 50, led by 68-year-old Bachendri Pal,...

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