Irina Orlova reported back
In April 2016, the Russian logistics organizers of Barneo, the temporary floating ice camp inside 89ºN near the Geographic North Pole, announced they will not use Svalbard (Norway) anymore as their gateway to the Ice Camp during future ski seasons.
Yesterday Barneo reported, their Chief Operations Officer, Irina Orlova, had made a reconnaissance journey to Franz Josef Land to explore the new location and negotiate with the local government to relocate their activities to this part of Russia.
Irina reported back, “I would say the recent official trip to Arkhangelsk was successful: we took the first step on a long and thorny way of Barneo starting point relocation to Franz Josef Land. It’s well-known that the FJL archipelago forms part of Primorsky district of the Archangelsk governorate. That’s why we had to negotiate with the governorate officials. And now we have got support of all departments, considered several ways to unfold an expedition, and made a plan for the nearest future. So we are satisfied with the results of the trip.”
Previous on Pythom and Explorersweb
No more Russian flights from Svalbard to Barneo in future
Explorersweb/Pythom Interview with Irina Orlova: Barneo and Frans Josef Land
#polar #northpole2017 #barneo