As we reported earlier this week, Paul Bonhomme set out to run the entire length of the Alps in 28 days. That’s 2,650km and a total of 150,000 vertical meters. But last night, Bonhomme had to call it quits because of a nagging injury. He stopped after 500km at the foot of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo in the Italian Dolomites.
Bonhomme initially injured his foot on the second day, after 154km. He was greeting some people on a downhill and was not looking at his foot placement. His left foot landed sideways and he felt a slight crack in the ankle.
He thought it wasn’t serious, but the discomfort continued. Bonhomme changed the way he ran, putting most of the weight on his right leg. He continued this way for another 300km, but the plantar fasciitis felt like electric shocks. Last night, his right knee also began to give him problems. In the end, Bonhomme had to give up.

Paul Bonhomme’s projected running route across the Alps. Photo: Paul Bonhomme