
Detail of the filed teeth from the male individual in grave 25 from Slite, Othem parish, Gotland.

Now We Know Why Vikings Filed Grooves Into Their Teeth

Vikings filed horizontal grooves into their teeth to show...
two soiled glass jugs in a mud cellar

George Washington’s Bottled Cherry Stash Unearthed

What did George Washington squirrel away under the floorboards...
Skeletons 2 and 3 are sacrificial victims, killed using incaprettamento.

Stone Age Women Buried Alive in Ritual Murders

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of several ritual Stone...
men lift a dirty gladiator-style helmet from a hole

Ancient Greek Gladiator-Style Helmet Unearthed in Croatia

Burial mounds in coastal Croatia could help rewrite the...
Artists impression of a Dusicyon avus.

Foxes Were Once Man’s Best Friend

A burial ground in Patagonia has revealed that before...
frieze showing Amazons fighting

Amazons: The Reality Behind the Myth of Warrior Women

Many Greek legends tell of warrior women known as...
A selkirkia worm fossil.

Ancient Predatory Sandworm Discovered

Bracketed by two ice ages, the Cambrian period produced...
Excavation of Canoe 5.

The Oldest Canoes in the Mediterranean Show Astonishing Stone-Age Skill

Five canoes found at the bottom of an Italian...
a burned artifact

3,000-Year-Old Bronze-Age Discovery Called the British Pompeii

When a fire broke out in a 3,000-year-old village...
gold artifacts

Inside a Powerful Ancient Man’s Tomb: Dozens of Human Sacrifices

A newly discovered tomb in Panama contains a fortune...
A rusty sword

Magnet Fisherman Hauls Rare Viking Sword From English River

Any angler will tell you, you never know what...
a blackened loaf of bread

Slightly Stale: Turkish Loaf Ranks Among World’s Oldest Bread

Ever eat day-old bread? Try 3,147,760-day-old bread. That's what food...

Our Lost Human Ancestors, Closer to Us Than Neanderthals

When archaeologists recovered a human finger bone fragment from...
a man wearing a stone age outfit

Paleo Cosplay? Archaeologist Tests Homemade Neolithic Gear in Scandinavia

Experimental archaeologist Markus Klek is having a blast walking...
Galen portrait

1,800 Years Later, Ancient Greek Druggist’s Pharmacopoeia Won’t Die

There’s something to be said for traditional medicine. And...
The route of the Mongolian wall

Unraveling the Most Mysterious Section of the Great Wall of China

The Mongolian Arc is a little-known section of the...
Babylonian clay model showing a nude couple on a couch engaged in sex and kissing.

First Kiss: Smooching Began 1,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

Leave it to a couple of doctoral candidates on...
A stone tool glued into a purposely created handle.

Neanderthals Used Glue to Make Tools

Artifacts have recently revealed that Neanderthals used glue to...
skull with a sharpened stick stuck through the nose and mouth

Violence, Disease Killed Almost Everyone in Denmark — Twice

Late neolithic Denmark was a tough place to live...
a stone entryway leading to an underground chamber

Controversy Persists in Troubled Tomb of Alexander the Great’s Father

One tomb containing a who’s who of fourth-century Macedonian...
3d image of submerged boulders

Underwater Stone-Age Wall Once Trapped Reindeer

For Holocene hunters in Germany, reindeer were a big...

Exploration Mysteries: Doggerland

Did you ever wonder how Britain separated from the...
a wooden tablet inscribed with a glyphic language

Mysterious Easter Island Glyphs Suggest a One-of-a-Kind Language

If you thought the rongorongo language was younger than...
A burnt Herculaneum scroll.

Scroll Buried By Vesuvius Finally Deciphered

Three student researchers have won three-quarters of a million...

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