
castle in the desert

Exploration Mysteries: Ksar Draa

Recently, a spectacular image of a castle-like structure standing...
a roman carving of a phallus

Dildo, Pestle, or Torture Tool? Historians Ponder Uses Of Ancient Roman Phallus

Historians taking a closer look at a 2,000-year-old "darning...
A Sumerian stone carving with cuneiform script.

Ancient Sumerian Palace Discovered in Iraq

A 4,500-year-old palace from the Kingdom of Lagash unearthed...
brown crab

You Butter Believe It: Early Neanderthals Cooked and Ate Crab

How does fresh crab in a scenic Portuguese seaside...
treasure chest with gold coins

The World’s Most Valuable Buried Treasures: Their Value and How They Were Discovered

We explore some of the most valuable treasure hoards...
straight tusked elephant

Neanderthals Hunted Giant Elephants, Lived in Large Groups

When Neanderthals were first discovered in Germany in 1856,...
A Viking longboat replica at sunset

Dog-and-Pony Show: Vikings Brought Domesticated Animals Along on British Conquests

Picture the effort and inconvenience of traveling with a...
egypt mummy

How Did the Ancient Egyptians Make Mummies? Through Global Trade

These days, we tend to use the word globalization...
duck dino1

Newly Discovered ‘Duck’ Dinosaur Had Over 400 Teeth

Even after millions of years, the diversity of dinosaurs...
world's oldest runestone

World’s Oldest Runestone May Bear Woman’s Name

Archaeologists found the oldest-ever recorded runestone at a burial...
cougar behind tree

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
casa dei vettii

A Restored House Reveals The Wealth — And Lust — Of Doomed Pompeii

A restored and reopened Pompeii residence showcases the wealth...
A newly born gray whale calf is pushed to the surface to breathe by its mother

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
pantheon roman concrete

Revealed: Why Ancient Roman Concrete Was So Tough

“They don’t make ‘em like they used to.” As tired...
A painting in the Lascaux Cave, France.

A ‘Person Off The Street’ Solves Mystery Of Ice Age Drawings

If you're feeling a warm sense of satisfaction over...
hunter-gatherers used pottery

Pottery Pre-Dates Agriculture in Eurasia, Groundbreaking Study Finds

What uniquely human staple pre-dates the social conventions of...
168 new nazca lines images found

Nazca Lines Searchers Discover 100+ New Figures

Earlier this month, a research team at Peru’s Nazca...
Archaeologists digging a trench around the shipwreck to get a closer look.

Science Links of the Week 

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Ancient Body, Signs of Gold Unearthed Near Stonehenge

A goldsmith's body found near Stonehenge had more treasure...
Orion capsule retrieval

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
a close up of hands brushing off artifacts

UK Archaeologists Discover “Richest of its Kind” Medieval Necklace

Archeologists working in the small English village of Harpole,...
An image of “Yori Pass” taken by one of the Hazard-Avoidance Cameras on NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover on Nov. 5, 2022

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
gold coin

Gold Coin Pre-Dating First English Explorers Found on Newfoundland Beach

Sometimes a single discovery can completely rewrite history. That might...
The Ötzi mummy

Ötzi: Shedding Light on Archaeology’s Most Famous Frozen Mummy

A new paper by archeologists from the Oppland County...

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