
Mount Everest High Altitude Rescue Debrief

Account from Pakistan (By Karrar Haidri) Last Friday a...

The way we roll… Pythom is for you

An invitation ...

Weekend Watch: Final no 02 attempts wrecked by stormy weather on Everest

Pythom News Feed Attempts to scale Everest without oxygen...

Horia Colibasanu: “I want to open a new route next”

Debrief (Debrief) Climber Horia Colibasanu says he prepared for...

“Some times you got to go get after it.” MP bagged Everest

Your illness does not define you. "You can drive...

Nestler: Kuriki has changed Everest sides

Pythom News Feed (Nestler) Nobukazu Kuriki has changed Everest...

This Week on Pythom

To get ahead, you must, above all, have the...

Mountain Professionals: Everest Summit Push On

Pythom Dispatch Feed (Mountain Professionals) "You can drive yourself...

Horia Topped out Everest North Side w/out O2

Pythom Dispatch Feed (Expedition Dispatch) Horia Colibasanu has managed...

Spring 2017: Annapurna, Everest Summits, No Success on Makalu

The climbing season picks up pace. Spring climbing season...

Meroi and Benet complete their fourteen 8000ers

Pythom News Feed Content (Nestler) They did it. Nives...

Everest North Side without Oxygen: Horia (and Ralf) getting ready for summit attempt

The "other" Everest climbers Horia Colibasanu was the mountaineer...

Cho Oyu summit: Where is it exactly

Kilian Jornet current Acclimating for a speed attempt on...

Checking in with Everest: About Ueli, Messner, Logistics and Tracking (Interview)

Ryan Waters on what's happening Back from a C3...

Watch out cheaters, fair play is catching up

World news Someone said a lie can travel halfway...

Ueli Steck: After the Smoke has Cleared (Editorial)

About Ueli, and a few lines from Inaki I...

Spring 2017: Tragedy, Quiet Base Camps, Bad Weather, and Considering Summit-Bids Options

Weekly update Unfortunate loss of Ueli Steck in Everest...

‘Swiss Machine’ Ueli Steck killed in Mt Everest accident

The Himalayan Times KATHMANDU: Ueli Steck (41), popularly known...

Closing in: Monday first target for Everest Summit

Second chance for quake survivors; hope for sufferers of...

Spring 2017: C1/C2 Ready on 8000m Peaks, Teams Continue Acclimatization

The season progresses smoothly. ...

This Week on Pythom

Past week's headlines around the world Polar bear incident...

Spring 2017 | Teams Reaching Base Camps, Political Drama Continues

Political decisions continue to affect the climbing expeditions. ...

Cho Oyu NF reroute to Annapurna NW

Pythom News Feed Content (Nestler) Time for plan B....

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