an astronaut on a spacewalk with equipment

View This Toolbag in Orbit With Just a Pair of Binoculars

A massive envelope of trash orbits Planet Earth, but...
The European Space Agency (ESA)'s Solar Orbiter against a background of the sunball

Two Tiny Satellites, One Explosive Star

Humanity couldn’t have picked a better time to pull...
nebula hand

More Ghostly Halloween Images from NASA

Outer space is the gift that keeps on giving,...
The red planet

What Caused the Biggest Quake Ever on Mars?

On May 4, 2022, NASA’s InSight lander detected a...
The latest image of Jupiter's moon, Io.

An Incredible New Photo of Jupiter’s Moon Io

On Oct. 16, NASA's Juno spacecraft cruised past Io...
Brian May

Queen Guitarist Brian May Rocks NASA (Literally)

Bringing an all-new meaning to the phrase, "we will...
a black and white photo of a moon crater

What the Dark Side of the Moon Looks Like

If you’re attached to the inscrutability of the dark...
nasa astronaut frank rubio

Record-Breaking Astronaut to Broadcast Live From Space

There’s an astronomical opportunity in store for space lovers...
A team of technicians at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory lower MOXIE into the chassis of the mars rover.

NASA Makes Oxygen on Mars

NASA has generated oxygen on Mars for the first...
Dark planet

Exploration Mysteries: Planet X

On the fringes of our planetary neighborhood, a phantom...

Mars’s Two Moons: One Will Crash into the Red Planet, the Other Will Fly Off

Mars has two moons, Deimos and Phobos. They have...
A meteor shower.

The Night the Stars Fell: The 1833 Meteor Shower

It was the night the stars fell. In 1833,...
Large Satellite Array

Of 800 UFO Sightings, Few Remain a Mystery, Says NASA

On May 31, NASA held its first public meeting...
saturn's rings and cassini spacecraft

Saturn’s Rings are Disappearing, Losing Tons of Mass Every Second

Few parts of our galaxy have captured the human...
star eats planet

The Real Death Star: Astronomers Watch Red Giant Consume Planet

Even at the scale of the cosmos, nature remains...

Webb Telescope Finds Water Vapor Around Distant Planet

In the search for extraterrestrial life, a little moisture...
closeup of astronaut in capsule

Exploration Mysteries: John Glenn and the ‘Fireflies’ in Space

In February 1962, astronaut John Glenn hurtled around Earth...
a rendering of the ultra-luminous x-ray source M82 X-2

Tiny, Ultra-Bright Star Breaks the Laws of Physics

There's a neutron star out there that — if...
NASA spacecraft in space

Why The New Era of Space Exploration Is More Important Than Ever

As Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan left the surface...
From left to right: NASA astronauts Christina Hammock Koch, Reid Wiseman (seated), Victor Glover, and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen.

NASA Picks First Woman, Black Man For Moon Mission

For the first time since space programs began, NASA...
coronal hole

Solar Hole Could Bring Powerful Winds To Earth This Week

It's not unusual for coronal holes to open in...
satellite imagery of a glacial deposit on mars

Mars Used to Have Glaciers, Signaling Possible Water at the Equator

Scientists have uncovered evidence that ice recently existed on...
artist's rendering of the elongated asteroid 'oumuamua

The Possible ‘Alien Spaceship’ That Puzzled Astronomers is a Hydrogen-Farting Rock

A splinter-like object darting around deep space captured astronomers’...
axiom suit

NASA Unveils First New Spacesuit in 40 Years. It’s Pretty Cool Looking

For a trip to the moon's South Pole, NASA...

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