Natural History


Platypus Survival In Jeopardy

The platypus, an animal often cited as evidence that...
algae bloom

Did Tree Roots Trigger Ancient Extinctions?

In Earth's Devonian Period, which lasted from 419 to...
a gloomy octopus

The Gloomy Octopus Hurls Things at its Neighbors

Today is the day you can emotionally identify with...
A close up image of a common rat

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
a herd of chamois

Man-eating Wolves Turn Out to Be Friendly Chamois

Italian media was aflame on Nov. 9, with reports...
A massive tsunami of fog looks like a wall of water above the ocean. A man stands in the foreground watching it.

Natural Wonders: Fog Tsunami

We've all heard of tsunamis, but what about a...
Drone images of an adult right whale with a blue whale calf.

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
fairy circle in Namib Desert

Fairy Circles Mystery Solved?

The Namib Desert in Southern Africa hosts an odd...
purple flowers bloom in the Atacama desert

World’s Driest Desert Blooms Unexpectedly

Normally it takes the rainfall associated with an El...
A bee plays on little wooden balls.

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
a Catabrian brown bear and three cubs

Once Nearly Extinct, Brown Bears Make Comeback in Spain

The Cantabrian brown bear population — once almost eliminated...
a bar-tailed godwit

Bird Sets Record for Nonstop 13,560km Flight

What were you doing on Oct. 13? Did you...
Medieval depiction of a basilisk

Newcomer’s Guide to Bestiaries

We think of the Middle Ages as a time...
brught red and yellow fish

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
praying mantis

Project Mantis: Shedding Light on the Amazon After Dark

The rainforest at night offers a symphony of sound...
ball of bees, close up

2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year Winners Stun and Delight

Prepare to be amazed. This year's winners of the...
Aerial photo of child sacrifice remains.

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
long, skinny, tendril-like siphonophore.

Natural Wonders: The Longest Animal in the World

In 2020, marine scientists from the Schmidt Ocean Institute...
a brown, curved tidal bore

Natural Wonders: What is a Tidal Bore?

A tidal bore is a wall of water that...
A dog presses its nose towards the camera

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
caribou walking along the sea edge

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
dolphins underwater

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
Horned ghost crab on a beach

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
pyramids of giza

A Long Dried-Up Arm of the Nile Helped Build the Pyramids

The mysteries surrounding ancient monuments like Egypt's pyramids have...

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