
A group of greyish brown mammals scampering over a forest floor, illustration

Early Mammals’ Fur Had No Color, Was All Dark Grey

Recent discoveries have shown that brightly colored crests and...
artist's impression of long-tailed dinosaur

World’s Oldest Dinosaurs Hidden in the Amazon and Sahara

Where did the first dinosaurs come from? A new...
small cat species

Remains of World’s Smallest Cat Found in Chinese Cave

Archaeologists have unearthed the smallest cat species ever to...
a fossil on a black background

Famous Fossil a Forgery? These Scientists Think It’s Possible

When phosphate miners in Morocco accidentally uncovered a fossil...
illustration of ancient American life in the last ice age

Woolly Mammoths Were the Favorite Meal Choice of Ancient Americans

Back in 1968, archaeologists discovered the remains of an...

Unraveling the Intriguing Secrets of an Ancient Elephant Graveyard

Archaeologists have uncovered evidence that prehistoric humans butchered giant...

Hiker Discovers 280-Million-Year-Old Lost World

Claudia Steffensen was hiking in the Italian Alps in...
saber-toothed cat mummy

Saber-Toothed Kitten Mummy Found in Arctic

Scientists have discovered a mummified saber-toothed kitten in the...
volcano erupting

Volcanic Cooling Led to Rise of the Dinosaurs 

Around 201 million years ago, a mass extinction wiped...
South African rock art.

Rock Art Shows 260-Million-Year-Old Extinct Animal 

Rock art in southern Africa might depict long-extinct animals...
artist's impression of weird fish

Ancient Fish Baffles Scientists

A 50-million-year-old fish is baffling scientists, who have no...
dinosaur prints

Identical Dinosaur Tracks Found On Opposite Sides of the Atlantic

Paleontologists have discovered sets of dinosaur tracks that start...
one of the oldest dinosaur families, the Herrerasaurus

Torrential Rains in Brazil Uncover World’s Oldest Dinosaur

Record rainfall eroded a fossil site in Brazil's Rio...
Apex, the world's largest Stegosaurus fossil.

World’s Largest Stegosaurus Fossil Fetches a Staggering $45 Million

Last week, American billionaire Kenneth Griffin bought the largest...
rendering of a T-Rex in an ancient forest

Ancient Tapeworm Trapped in Resin Could Trigger Jurassic Park Scenario

Parasitologists in China have discovered one of the world’s...
An artist’s impression of Khinjaria acuta

Atlantic Ocean Used to Teem With Giant Predators

Scientists have discovered a sea monster that once roamed...
Tridentinosaurus antiquus.

280-Million-Year-Old Fossil is a Forgery

In 1931, researchers discovered an incredible reptile fossil in...
blue whale

Blue Whale Back on Top as Heaviest Animal Ever

Last year, the Blue Planet’s heaviest ever animal lost...
Artist’s depiction of Eoneophron infernalis (top left), MOR 752 (bottom left), and Anzu wyliei (right) in the Hell Creek Formation.

New Dinosaur Marks Second ‘Chicken from Hell’

When Kyle Atkins-Weltman bought some fossils online for one...
Artists impression of dinosaur extinction

Both Volcanoes and Asteroid Likely Caused Dinosaurs’ Extinction

Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? An asteroid, volcanoes,...
Steve Etches and the skull.

Hiker Discovers Sea Monster Skull In Dorset Cliff

A fossil enthusiast has discovered a huge pliosaur skull...
An illustration of the Ekgmowechashala.

The Story of the Last Primate in North America

Humans have been the only primate in North America...
giant dragonfly fossil

The Largest Insect That Ever Lived — Don’t Worry, It’s Not A Mosquito

While some of us are still recovering from the...
An artist's impression of Tharosaurus indicus.

Unusually Ancient Dinosaur Found in India

Archaeologists in India have found the oldest diplodocid in...

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