
Great Survival Stories: Louis Zamperini

Louis Zamperini first gained fame as one of the...
Polar skier manhauling across ice

Video Tribute to Dixie Dansercoer

Before his untimely death last week in a Greenland...

Modern-Day Jonah Almost Swallowed by Whale

Last Friday, a humpback whale almost swallowed Michael Packard....

Canadian Arctic Expedition Trades Skis for Canoes

Guillaume Moreau, Nicolas Roulx, and Jacob Racine arrived in...

Natural Wonders: The Blue Fire of Kawah Ijen

An electric blue fire cascading down a mountain slope...

The Legacy of Trinidad’s Harold La Borde

The Caribbean island of Trinidad is not well-known for...
China's Mars rover

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Tributes Pour in for Dixie Dansercoer

Adventurers around the globe have paid tribute to Dixie...

Legends Series: Louise Arner Boyd

Louise Arner Boyd became an unexpected candidate for arctic...

Iain Cameron, Snow Hunter

Iain Cameron is what people with big vocabularies sometimes...

Renowned Polar Guide Dixie Dansercoer Dies in Crevasse Fall

Yesterday evening, veteran Belgian polar explorer and guide Dixie...

Solo Kayaker to Hawaii Rescued

After just a week, Cyril Derreumaux has abandoned his...
A Sherpa smiling widely

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Science Links of the Week

Ninety percent of sharks died out 19 million years...
Cyril Derreumaux beside his kayak before starting

Solo Kayak to Hawaii Begins

On May 31, Cyril Derreumaux dipped his paddle in...
Qatar jet takes off from Kathmandu

After Everest, How Do Climbers Get Home From Nepal?

For climbers and the few remaining trekkers, fleeing Nepal...
Aerial view of red-colored lake

Lake Natron: Deadly to Most Life, but the Flamingos Love It

We all know about the Greek monster Medusa, whose...
Climber on rock face

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Baruntse: Climbers Going Down

Finally, after nine days and a full-on cyclone that...

Legends Series: Thor Heyerdahl

When Thor Heyerdahl died 20 years ago at the...

Kayaking the Length of the UK

Every year, long-distance walkers and cyclists tackle the iconic...
The shepherd who saved six runners in China from death by hypothermia.

Chinese Shepherd Saved Six Ultra-marathoners

He sheltered the hypothermic competitors in a cave and...

Everest: One Dead, Another Evacuated on Russian Team

The Russian 7 Summits Club Expedition, led by Alex...

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