
brown crab

You Butter Believe It: Early Neanderthals Cooked and Ate Crab

How does fresh crab in a scenic Portuguese seaside...
An illustration of three of Jupiter's moons: Io, Europa and Ganymede.

Jupiter Retakes Lead as Planet With the Most Known Moons

Well, it appears that Jupiter has once again outpaced...
oldest vertebrate brain

Scientists Find World’s Oldest, Best-Preserved Vertebrate Brain

Inside the marble-sized skull of 319 million-year-old fish, scientists...
straight tusked elephant

Neanderthals Hunted Giant Elephants, Lived in Large Groups

When Neanderthals were first discovered in Germany in 1856,...
more weird space stuff

What Was the Strange Blue Whirlpool in the Sky Over Hawaii?

Something strange happened in the skies above Hawaii on...
space bears

Larger Than the Average Bear: A 2Km-Wide Bear Face on Mars

For centuries, mankind has pondered if there might be...
first arctic primates found

Primate Ancestors Lived in High Arctic 52M Years Ago

Researchers have discovered evidence of the first known primate...
an illustration of the earth's layers

Earth’s Inner Core Stopped Spinning and Now Has Changed Direction

Yes, you read that headline correctly. The Earth's inner...
a mountain chickadee perched on a snowy branch

The Colder The Winter, The Smarter The Chickadee

Researchers have determined that mountain chickadees living at high...
pantheon roman concrete

Revealed: Why Ancient Roman Concrete Was So Tough

“They don’t make ‘em like they used to.” As tired...
A close up image of copepods in water droplets. On the left are immature harpacticoid copepods. On the right is an armored protozoan with an intricate mineral skeleton

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
hunter-gatherers used pottery

Pottery Pre-Dates Agriculture in Eurasia, Groundbreaking Study Finds

What uniquely human staple pre-dates the social conventions of...
168 new nazca lines images found

Nazca Lines Searchers Discover 100+ New Figures

Earlier this month, a research team at Peru’s Nazca...
mesophotic zone

Diving Deeper: How Scientists Use Rebreathers For The Ocean’s Twilight Zone

The ocean never seems to run out of mystery. In...
solar system

Every Planet Will Be Visible In The Sky Tonight

Space junkies, rejoice! All your favorite planets will appear...

How Inefficient Are Monty Python’s Silly Walks? The British Medical Journal Investigates

Monty Python's Silly Walks is one of the immortal...

Best Tea Temperature and Dunking Times for Christmas Cookies: A Scientific Analysis

"Over recent years the public sector has faced immense...
a landscape photo of Antarctica

How Did Life Survive on Snowball Earth? The Answer Lies in Antarctica

Imagine the cold, icy, punishing environs of Antarctica. Now...
did dinosaurs eat mammals

Did Dinosaurs Eat Mammals? Yes

At last, there's peer-reviewed evidence to back up a...
a shot of water pumping equipment in a cave

A Trauma Doctor Analyzes the Thai Cave Rescue: ‘Nothing Short of Miraculous’

You probably already know the story. In 2018, 12 juvenile...
a photo of mars

What Does the Wind Feel Like on Mars?

The first thing you might ask yourself upon reading...
The 'Horonuku', the land yacht that broke the wind-powered land speed record.

222 Kilometres Per Hour — By Wind Power Alone!

By anyone's standards, 222kph is speedy. If the only...
An imagining of how North Greenland may have looked two million years ago.

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
a campfire

New Find Prompts Controversy Over Whether Pre-Humans Used Fire

Paleoanthropologist and National Geographic Explorer Lee Berger announced on...

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