ExWeb User Survey Results 2018

At the end of last year, ExplorersWeb conducted a survey of our mailing list subscribers to learn who you are in 2018. We have now compiled the results and are ready to report. So, let’s take a look at you, the ExplorersWeb community.

You are mostly male – with a likelihood of over 90%, in fact. This is not a surprise, given the traditionally masculine nature of exploration and extreme adventure.

However, you are older than might be expected. The results implied you were around 52 years old. Really?! We weren’t convinced, so we checked on Google Analytics to see what was going on. Sure enough,

Google Analytics

gives the average age of the Explorersweb visitor as somewhere in the late 30s. Perhaps this can be explained as the older generation being more actively engaged and the younger generation tending toward passive consumption? If so, be warned younger generation: get involved or lose your voice!

You are a staunchly international bunch, residing in one of 25 different countries across the globe but most likely the US. Of course, English is probably your first language (53%), which stands to reason because we are an English site, after all.

In terms of education and income, you are a high achiever. A very high achiever, actually. You are more likely to be educated to Master’s or Post-doc level and your income averages at $88,000 – way above the national average of even the US, which currently stands at $73,000. This too is perhaps to be expected: expeditions are the domain of either the very affluent or the very dedicated. Talking of which, 58% of you have been on an expedition, defined as 30 days or more, which goes a long way to explaining your low tolerance for smoke and mirror reporting, given your first-hand experience.

When not on expeditions or earning huge incomes, your primary interests are climbing (76%) and skiing (46%). Following these, you have a passing interest in trail running (29%), sailing (29%), and mountain biking (23%). The primary focus of Explorersweb is indeed high altitude climbing and polar exploration, but it seems you would also be interested in a slightly broader scope of coverage.

To support and compliment your expeditions and hobbies a massive 81% of you engage in regular physical training.

In addition to the above, we also asked a bunch of questions about what we are doing right and how we need to improve. In short, you love that we report the facts and cover the stories that the major news sites might not. If anything, you would like to hear more from the unsponsored and unknown explorers doing interesting things out there on the fringe rather than the big names. You also had a few things to say about the site design, but we are going to keep that under wraps until later this month… Watch this space!

To summarize: You are high rollers at both work and play. When not out on an extreme expeditions you go climbing, skiing, climbing, sailing and mountain biking. You are a bunch of athletic international men of mystery aged 38 (or slightly over 50?) years old, leaders both professionally and outside your workplace. We are honored and proud to have you. Thanks for your help with this survey, guys – the curated results will be in your inbox soon.

The survey is now open to non-mailing list members; have your say here.