Fay Manners and Michelle Dvorak Rescued!

Climbers Iker and Eneko Pou have just informed ExplorerWeb that a French party has successfully reached Fay Manners and Michelle Dvorak. The two women have been stranded at 6,500m for two days on Chaukhamba III (6,974m) in the Garhwal Himalaya.

According to Iker Pou, Manners’ social media agent told him that Manners and Dvorak have already descended to 5,300m with their French rescuers. Tomorrow, they will continue going down until they reach an altitude that will permit helicopter evacuation. Manners and Dvorak are fine!

The four-member French team is with the Groupe Militaire de Haute Montagne of Chamonix. They plan to climb the East Pillar of Chaukhamba III.

Kris Annapurna

KrisAnnapurna is a writer with ExplorersWeb.

Kris has been writing about history and tales in alpinism, news, mountaineering, and news updates in the Himalaya, Karakoram, etc., for the past year with ExplorersWeb. Prior to that, Kris worked as a real estate agent, interpreter, and translator in criminal law. Now based in Madrid, Spain, she was born and raised in Hungary.