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an illustration of David Douglas

Great Explorers: David Douglas, the Accident-Prone Botanist

If you’ve bought a Christmas tree in the last...
Everest and Lhotse at sunlinght.

Everest: Progress on the South Side; North Side Stalled

The route to Camp 2 on Everest's Nepalese side...
parachutish in the stratosphere

Russians Parachute from Stratosphere Over North Pole

The Barneo ice camp near the North Pole may...
Light Line Number Seven

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
Birendra lake and Manaslu in background.

Massive Avalanche on Manaslu Threatens Floods

This morning, a huge avalanche on Manaslu reached Lake...
illustration of a gigantic snake near a crocodile

Largest Snake of All Time Was Longer than a T-Rex — But ‘Gentle’

Imagine a snake longer than a shipping container —...
Illustration of the system that revealed the existence of Gaia-BH3.

Milky Way’s Biggest Black Hole 33 Times Bigger Than Our Sun

In the career of an astronomer, it’s hard to...
head shot of an Indian man

Weekend Warm-Up: How One Extraordinary Man Planted a Forest Bigger Than Central Park

At 550 hectares, Majuli is the world’s largest river...
bumblebee on a yellow flower

Sleeping Bumblebees Can Survive a Week of Drowning

If you fall into a deep sleep in a...
a dolphin

Pacific Tribal Leaders Give Whales and Dolphins Legal Personhood

Tribal leaders from New Zealand, the Cook Islands, Tonga,...
The wingsuit pilot as seen from a frontal headcam, Aconcagua south face behind.

Wingsuit Jump from Lhotse Would Be the Highest Ever

Tim Howell of the UK is currently one of...
Wisdom the albatross

Old But Bold: World’s Most Ancient Wild Bird Still Looking For Love

Pretty much any idea reality TV producers come up...
head shots of the billionaire and his mystery girlfriend

Investigation: Billionaire Staged Death on Matterhorn to Join Russian Girlfriend

Years after a supermarket billionaire went missing near the...
Skeletons 2 and 3 are sacrificial victims, killed using incaprettamento.

Stone Age Women Buried Alive in Ritual Murders

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of several ritual Stone...
Close shot of Anna Tybor with mirrowed sunglasses

Anna Tybor to Ski Dhaulagiri and Nanga Parbat

Another Pole is skiing down two more 8,000m peaks...
Sherpas on a mace of ice on Everest plant flags to mark the route

Everest: Icefall Open but Climbers Advised to Hurry Through It

The route through the Khumbu Icefall has finally opened....
men lift a dirty gladiator-style helmet from a hole

Ancient Greek Gladiator-Style Helmet Unearthed in Croatia

Burial mounds in coastal Croatia could help rewrite the...
The climbers smile, shoulder to shoulder, with high mountains behind them.

U.S. Ultrarunners Aim For FKTs on Pumori and Lhotse

Last year, ultrarunner Tyler Andrews of the U.S. went...
Louis Margot starts his row to Columbia.

Ocean Rowing Roundup for April

Since our last roundup, very little has occurred in...
Abe beside his tent and sled in Antarctica.

Masatatsu Abe Dead at 41

Japanese polar adventurer Masatatsu Abe has died. The 41-year-old...
workers standing on sea ice

Eric Larsen on Why He Decided to Lead a North Pole Tour Through Russia

Yesterday, polar guide Eric Larsen returned to Colorado after...
A blue whale racing group.

Rare Blue Whale Mating Ritual Caught on Camera

In a sighting so rare it has only been...
The mace of seracs falling down to the right of the West Shoulder on Everest

Everest Climbs Delayed: What’s Going On With the Khumbu Icefall?

We're already in the second half of April and...
Lenga beech forest in Patagonia

Climate Change Plays Havoc with Trees’ Internal Clocks

Most people associate circadian rhythms and internal clocks with...