On K2, Grace Tseng is expected to reach Camp 1 today while her team fixes the way to Camp 2. Meanwhile, the two Nepali teams trying to open a commercial route on the demanding South Face of Cho Oyu have also made progress.
Camp 1 on Cho Oyu
Gelje Sherpa’s group has split into two teams, under Gelje and Lakpa Dendi. Both reached 300m below Camp 1 on Tuesday.
“After carrying more than 45kg of fixing ropes, ice screws, snow bars, bamboo, personal climbing gear, and personal cooking gear and tents, the climbers were too exhausted to proceed further,” Gelje reported. “I decided that we should head back to Base Camp.”
After a rest day, the climbers are back at work today, setting up Camp 1.

Conditions have improved on Cho Oyu since last week’s heavy snow and wind. Photo: Lakpa Dendi
The competing Pioneer Adventure team rested in their separate Base Camp yesterday but will move up shortly. “Our target is to complete the expedition by the end of February,” said a Pioneer spokesperson from Kathmandu. So the team has 18 days to find, fix, and climb a route up the highly difficult face.
Jost Kobusch update
ExplorersWeb caught up with Jost Kobusch yesterday, as he moved from Lobuche toward Everest, on a fresh attempt to get higher up the West Ridge. Unfortunately, the climb ended before it began.
“I’m turning around right now, it’s too windy,” Kobusch told ExplorersWeb.
“Seems unfair,” I said sympathetically.
“It’s not unfair, it’s just the weather,” he replied.

Jost Kobusch in his wind-buffeted tent on his previous trip to Camp 2 some days ago. Photo: Jost Kobusch
Back in Lobuche, Kobusch keeps checking the forecast and trying to stay optimistic.
“I intend to remain here until February 28, when the winter ends, so let’s see if the jet stream turns south,” he said. “If weather permits, I should have a chance.”