Andrew McLemore

Andrew McLemore

An award-winning journalist and photographer, Andrew McLemore brings more than 14 years of experience to his position as Associate News Editor for Lola Digital Media. Andrew is also a musician, climber and traveler who currently lives in Medellin, Colombia. When he's not writing, playing gigs or exploring the outdoors, he's hanging out with his dog Campana.
viking poo

A $39,000 Turd: Fossilized Viking Poo Is World’s Most Valuable Excrement

Have you heard the one about the Viking, the...
Messner & Viesturs

Ed Viesturs Refuses Guinness Record: It’s ‘Ridiculous’ to Replace Messner

This story first appeared in GearJunkie.   Ed Viesturs wants you...
giant dragonfly fossil

The Largest Insect That Ever Lived — Don’t Worry, It’s Not A Mosquito

While some of us are still recovering from the...
exoplanet life

James Webb Telescope Spots Potential Life on Alien World

In an astronomical breakthrough, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope...

Duo Claims First Ascent Of Highest Peaks in All The ‘Stans

Given the inherent subjectivity of peakbagging, it's not surprising...
electric unicycle

Extreme Speed With One-Wheel: Reach 109KPH With Off-Road Electric Unicycle

This article was originally published on GearJunkie. What do you...
jack smith

Long-Distance Legend: Meet the Man Who Skateboarded Across the U.S. 5 Times

This article was originally published on GearJunkie. Unsteady, vibrating skateboard...

Buried With Flowers: Were the Neanderthals That Empathetic?

The 1960 discovery of Shanidar 4, a Neanderthal skeleton...
nw passage featured

Rowing Team Joins the Action in the Northwest Passage

Traversing the Northwest Passage is proving itself an increasingly...

Patagonia Team Builds Hay-Bale Homes With Yvon Chouinard

This article was originally published on GearJunkie. Yvon Chouinard may...
social media climbing

Fighting Trolls, Finding Fiancés: Climbers Speak Out About Social Media

Whether you use social media or not, these platforms...
adam ondra

Video: Ondra’s Early Triumph, the World’s Third 5.15c

Adam Ondra decided to break with tradition in his...
honnold caldwell

Honnold, Caldwell Ride For 3,000Km In ‘Biggest Adventure’ Yet

This article was originally published on GearJunkie. If you know...
wheelless bike

Weekend Warm-Up: A Bicycle That Works…Without Wheels?

This article was originally published on GearJunkie. Can a bike...
hardest ice climb

Video: World’s Hardest Ice Climb

This article was originally published on GearJunkie. At a normal...
octopus nightmare

Video Suggests Octopuses Have Nightmares About Predator Attacks

It's one of the oldest and most frustrating questions...
rockies traverse

Weekend Warm-Up: The Rocky Mountains Traverse

If we're not currently living in the Golden Age...

Alex Honnold Links Six Granite Spires in Washington in One Day

Say what you will about Alex Honnold — the...
A photo taken by Will Steger during his two-month solo expedition on Arctic rivers in Northwest Canada.

Will Steger, 78, Completes 1,300km Arctic Crossing

Will Steger "survived it again," he said this week. After...

World’s Deadliest Spider Can Alter Lethality of Venom

Funnel-web spiders aren't just the most venomous arachnids in...
ascend doc patagonia

Weekend Warm-Up: Afghan Women Take Up Climbing

What does climbing mean when you've lost your country,...

Christophe Profit Found Guilty of Removing Safety Gear From Mont Blanc

When career alpinist Christophe Profit removed safety equipment from...
Large Satellite Array

Of 800 UFO Sightings, Few Remain a Mystery, Says NASA

On May 31, NASA held its first public meeting...
everest marathon

See the Joyous Nepalis and Gorgeous Views of the 2023 Everest Marathon

Even for those accustomed to extreme sports — the...

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