Ash Routen

Ash Routen

Title: Writer
Location: Leicester, UK
Social Media Links:
Instagram | Bluesky


  • Topics of Expertise: Arctic travel, Mountaineering, Science, Camping, Hiking, Outdoor Gear
  • Years in This Expertise: 22
  • Number of Products & Number of Hours Expert has Tested: 50+ products, 500+ hours


  • Education: PhD Physical Activity & Public Health, University of Worcester, UK
  • Years of Writing: 8
  • Club or Association Memberships: John Muir Trust, Woodland Trust

A Word from Ash Routen

  • Why Author Chose This Career: To write about the people and adventures that inspire me.
  • How Author Began Career: I started a blog, enjoyed it, and then pitched some ideas to outdoor magazines. The rest is history.
  • Personal Interests: Backpacking, Camping, Arctic travel, Photography, Science.

70Km Left For Ousland and Horn

Borge Ousland and Mike Horn have continued charging south...

Ousland and Horn Approach Ice Edge

Borge Ousland and Mike Horn notched 29km yesterday --...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Ousland and Horn Dig Deep, 150Km to Finish

Despite poor ice, Borge Ousland and Mike Horn are...

Ousland and Horn Struggle with Fatigue, Thin Ice

Seventy-six days into their momentous journey, Borge Ousland and...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ALE: Behind the Scenes of a Hercules Inlet Sled Trip

Since Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions (ALE) opened up Antarctica over...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Mixed Reviews: Himalayan Climbers Assess Purja’s Feat

As Nirmal Purja does his well-earned round of media...

Kobusch Climbs Virgin 6,000’er in Nepal

On October 24, German climber Jost Kobusch made the...

Purja Back Home; the Debate Begins

Returning home with the same speed and efficiency that...

Rescued Climber Banned from Nepal

After his unauthorized ascent of Chukima Go (6,257m), Spanish...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Ousland and Horn Reach Pole

Mike Horn and Borge Ousland have reached the North...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Interview: Anja Blacha on Skiing to the South Pole

Anja Blacha only started mountaineering in 2015, but by...

Avalanche Strikes Indian 7,000’er, Renowned Scientist Missing

Peter Wittek, a 37-year-old world-renowned computer scientist from the...

Updated: Purja Gets His Permit; Leaves Shortly

Chinese authorities have officially granted Nirmal Purja a permit...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

ExWeb’s Links of the Week

Here at ExWeb, when we’re not outdoors, we get...

Ousland and Horn Start Sledding

After 24 days, Mike Horn and Borge Ousland have...

Bargiel Abandons Everest Ski

Polish extreme skier Andrzej Bargiel has abandoned his attempt...

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