Kristine De Abreu

Kristine De Abreu

Title: Writer
Location: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago


  • Topics of Expertise: Science, Mysteries, History
  • Years in This Expertise: 4+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: Bachelor’s of English and History, University of Leicester
  • Years of Writing: 4+
  • Previous Publications: Caribbean Beat Magazine

A Word from Kristine de Abreu

  • Why Author Chose This Career: I am living out my passion for writing and adventure. It is the best of both worlds.
  • How Author Began Career: I found ExplorersWeb through the British College of Journalism in the UK. Normally, I scroll past such postings, but curiosity got the better of me.
  • Personal Interests: Hiking, Lord of the Rings, cats, literature, mysteries
AI illustration of Zerzura.

Exploration Mysteries: Zerzura

In 1481, a mysterious figure emerged from the desert...
buffalypso in a forest

Weirdest Animal Hybrids: What on Earth is a Buffalypso?

At school, wildlife is pretty straightforward. Kids are told...
lake nyos aerial

The 1986 Deadly Gas Blanket From Lake Nyos

It was a scene out of a horror movie....
Aztec ruins.

Exploration Mysteries: Aztlan

Where did the Aztecs come from? Despite a wealth...
Saint Peter's Basilica.

Exploration Mysteries: Tartarian Empire

How exactly do you look for a civilization that...
desert town

Exploration Mysteries: Lost City of the Kalahari

In 1885, tightrope walker-turned-explorer William Leonard Hunt was searching...
green children

Exploration Mysteries: The Green Children of Woolpit

Once upon a time in the 12th century, two...
Statue of Romulus and Remus.

Extraordinary Stories of Survival: Feral Children

Sometimes, extraordinary circumstances cause children to become isolated in...
An illustration of a Patagonian encampment; from an account by French explorer Jules Dumont d'Urville (1840s).

Exploration Mysteries: The Giants of Patagonia

Explorers and mapmakers called uncharted lands Terra Incognita. Though...
Sea Peoples

Exploration Mysteries: The Sea Peoples

Black-flagged ships sailed up the Nile, bringing mysterious seafarers...
Drawing of John C. Fremont.

Great Explorers: John C. Fremont

Skilled explorer or overreaching dilettante? Crusading abolitionist or violent...
painting showing the fall of the Alamo

Great Explorers: Davy Crockett

“Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier…Davy, Davy...
city underground

Exploration Mysteries: Agartha

We know the Earth is not hollow. While we...
formations in the desert

Exploration Mysteries: Works of the Old Men

Google Earth has done a lot more than show...
rain and clouds

Unraveling the Mystery of the Late Triassic’s Two-Million-Year Rainy Season

The forty days and nights of rain during the...
upright stone pillars

Exploration Mysteries: Newton Stone

Mysterious writing. No author. Enigmatic etchings that don't make...
illustration of Zheng Yi Sao

Great Explorers: Zheng Yi Sao

In the early 1800s, Zheng Yi Sao was the...
African dance

The Spirits Known as ‘Zangbeto’ That Safeguard African Villages

Law and order runs a bit differently in Benin,...
painting of Stewart and Indians

Great Explorers: William Drummond Stewart

William Drummond Stewart did not conquer lands of the...

Exploration Mysteries: Lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert

A peculiar satellite image recently made the rounds on...
letters and numbers

Exploration Mysteries: Beale Ciphers

Straight out of a National Treasure movie, the Beale...
portrait of de Rozier

Great Explorers: Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier

A driven daredevil, Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier traded...

Great Explorers: Antoine de Saint Exupery

"The airplane has unveiled for us the true face...
Isles of Scilly from space.

Exploration Mysteries: Lyonesse

“And ever pushed Sir Mordred, league by league, back...

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