Twenty-one-year-old thrill seeker Mile Routledge of Birmingham, England has luck on his side, it seems. The student at Loughborough University returned to safety after being evacuated from Afghanistan amid increasingly violent tensions.
Routledge and several other British citizens had taken refuge inside a NATO-held building within Kabul. On August 17, he posted a video of himself and many others aboard a British Army plane en route to Dubai. Routledge somehow managed to secure a spot on the evacuation list.

Isn’t this fun? Photo: Miles Routledge
The physics student stated that he chose Kabul to “goof off” over the holidays after researching the most dangerous travel destinations. The follower-hungry zoomer has taken to posting frequent “updates” (read: mostly unapologetic, hubristic selfies and live streams) on 4Chan, Twitch, and various social media channels.
As the BBC poignantly stated, “It came amid chaotic scenes at the city’s nearby airport, where hundreds of people attempted to board a U.S. Air Force plane, with several plunging to their death as it took off.”
Britain’s Foreign & Commonwealth Office issued a warning last April urging all British nationals in Afghanistan to flee the embattled country immediately. The same issuance warned against any non-essential travel to the territory. Of course, many nations, including the UK, have advised against all non-essential travel to Afghanistan since the early 2000s.
The whole lark has spotlighted the dubious hobby of danger tourism. Routledge has expressed an interest in visiting North Korea next.