Natural History

Australian Teenager Dies from Box Jellyfish Sting

The Australian box jellyfish is the most venomous marine...

Solar Storm Causes Spectacular Aurora

Besides blooming flowers, spring is also the aurora season,...
The fiery pit at night

Darvaza Gas Crater: Welcome to “The Gates of Hell”

Deep in the Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan lies the...
Walrus on rock

“Gi-normous” Walrus Turns Up in Ireland

It might have fallen asleep on an iceberg, says...
Forked lightning strikes a lake at night

Natural Wonders: Catatumbo Lightning

A lake in Venezuela gets 250 lightning strikes per...

Floating Ships: Mirages and How They Work

Within days of each other, two images of floating...
Site of the fossil forest

Natural Wonders: The Fossil Forest on Axel Heiberg Island

A 50-million-year-old forest of real wood lies on an...
Eternal Flame Falls

Natural Wonders: Eternal Flame Falls

In Western New York, leaking natural gas from deep...

Natural Wonders: China’s Zhangye Danxia

Great works of art take time. The Zhangye Danxia...

Natural Wonders: Blood Falls, Antarctica

Blood Falls, Antarctica is a rare natural wonder that...

Vietnam’s Wildlife: A (Pretty) Good News Story

In 2019, The New York Times published a compelling...

Natural Wonders: China’s Red Beach

One of the rarest sights in the world, China's...

Six Rangers Killed in Congo’s Virunga Park

Six rangers were ambushed and shot to death yesterday...

Natural Wonders: Namibia’s Fairy Circles

Some natural phenomena are so weird that they seem...

Trinidad’s Pitch Lake: The Wonder of the Caribbean

Sometimes, the natural world is not just beautiful, it's...

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