
Requiem for Everest

To 1996. Here goes, as promised. When I...

Yasu Ogita completed High Canadian to Greenland solo

48 days, 830 km, across sea ice, into Greenland...

Finnish ski team crossed Greenland Ice Cap

Jaakko Heikka guided four Fins on the Horizontal Ice...

This Week on Pythom

Everest season closing Last week's headlines on PythomLast week...

Sea ice differences at Earth’s Poles

A study used satellite radar, sea surface temperature, land...

Leo Holding: Camping System Tips

Daily Dispatch in Focus: Polar specific but also general...

Shackleton 100: South Georgia crossing

We had reached the naked soul of man. Surviving...

Greenland Skiing Round Up

Ski expeditions cross the ice on the horizontal route...

Expedition follows fabled crossing from Greenland to Scotland in Kokatat gear

This summer, British explorers Olly Hicks and George Bullard...

This Week on Pythom

A big week Following 2 years of tragedies and...

Interview with Irina Orlova: Barneo and Frans Josef Land

Explorersweb/Pythom caught up with Irina at the end of...

Video: Last 30 Miles – full route North Pole 2014

Eric Larsen and Ryan Waters: Canada to 90 degrees...

Greenland 2016: Teams on the Ice Cap

Activities on Greenland: Ski-mountaineering, Wind-sledding, skiing, kite-skiing, and cycling...

Arctic Arts micro-exhibition on the North Pole.

The 2016 season on the North Pole has been...

The ZigZag Children Expedition to the North Pole

Seven Russian teenagers skied [the last degree of latitude]...

North Pole: Another plane grounded; Skiers finish treks UPDATED

Russian kids stranded at Ice Camp (Correne Coetzer) [Updated...

No more Russian flights from Svalbard to Barneo in future

Reorientating logistics to the archipelago of Franz Josef Land...

North Pole update: Antonov-74 flying

The runway is solid and the Antonov-74 lands The...

First skiers on Arctic ice; Norway revoked flights – UPDATED

Plus expert advice about ice conditions for Reverse Full...

Breaking News from Barneo – UPDATED

Russians working 24/7: New ice runway (4th), airdrop at...

Grounded flight could thwart Barneo runway work; check fractured ice map – UPDATED

Without this flight, we cannot continue the construction of...

North Pole area turned into Rubble and Lead Field – Barneo update UPDATED

Helicopters searched for 5 hours; Airplane grounded in Longyearbyen;...

The New Barneo Runway Has Cracked

Helicopter out to search for new ice floe, Ilyushin...

North Pole 2016: Ice runway cracked, skiers grounded – UPDATED

Skiers at Longyearbyen. More on Dixie Dansercoer's Arctic Survival...

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