
3-D view of the Greenland Ice Sheet

This new map allows scientists to determine the age...

South Pole guide, Einar Torfi Finnsson, top gear: a skirt, a mask and boot liners

Co-founder of Icelandic Mountain Guides, led Adventure Consultants team...

South Pole traverse skiers, Stéphanie and Jérémie Gicquel: the race begins halfway

With 2 days to spare before their pick-up deadline,...

Robotic Subs Dive Into a Deep Ocean of Data

Autonomous vehicles help both scientific researchers and DIY underwater...

Martin Szwed admits forging photos

Meta data did him in (Newsdesk) As previously reported...

Interview: Never too late to ski to the South Pole

Amundsen was 34, Scott 44, Shackleton 42 (at the...

Ghost skier update

Martin Szwed’s Diary and outdated South Pole markers (Newsdesk)...

Ghost skier at Antarctica

No trace of Martin Szwed's claimed South Pole speed...

Antarctica Team Complete Traverse

French/Norwegian combo turned out a success (By Correne Coetzer)...

Futuristic Antarctic Research System is a modular shelter for modern-day nomads

These futuristic mobile pods were designed to provide optimal...

The Antarctic: Ten Years of the “Library in the Ice”

The Antarctic: Ten Years of the “Library in the...

Pitching a Potential Donor, Shackleton Sketched This Expedition Map

Explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, gathering funds for his proposed...

Dupre summits Winter Denali

Lonnie made it Arctic explorer and climber Lonnie Dupre...

Frédérick Dion completed crossing and Newall Hunter arrived at South Pole

Updates (By Correne Coetzer) Frédérick Dion completed his 54-day,...

Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is ‘not melting’, says global warming expert

THE North and South Poles are "not melting", according...

Drones Face FAA Hit

Game over for drones? Antony Jinman caught some flak...

Ben and Natalia: Arctic Canada in winter

Top Tips, and challenging sections in the heart of...

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