Everest North Side: One Small Team Heads For the Summit

Climbers currently enduring endless queues on the South Side of Everest may freak out at reading this, but here goes: Furtenbach Adventures’ 10-member team is at Camp 3 on the North (Tibetan) Side of Everest. They are about to set off for the summit as we write this. There’s no one else on the mountain.

A big Chinese team summited Monday and Tuesday, leaving the entire North Side to the Furtenbach group‘s five clients and five sherpa guides.

a single climber on a huge snow slope with Camp 3 tents in the middle

On the way to Camp 3. Photo: Lukas Furtenbach


The weather has also favored the North Side with rather warm temperatures.

“From the North Col to Camp 2 at 7,750m, we went in base layers and baseball caps, without gloves,” Lukas Furtenbach told ExplorersWeb.com.

The Austrian expedition leader also noted that the route features perfect conditions, with snow covering the rocky terrain.

four climbers progress on fresh snow with the huge north face of Everest behind them.

Team members approach Camp 3 at 8,300m today. Most of the route on the Tibetan side has a Wi-Fi connection. Photo: Lukas Furtenbach


Adrian Ballinger‘s Alpenglow team celebrated their puja ceremony yesterday at Advanced Base Camp ( 6,450m). Next, they’ll climb to Camp 1 on the North Col.

There’s no news from the fourth team on the mountain, outfitted by Climbalaya.

Angela Benavides

Angela Benavides graduated university in journalism and specializes in high-altitude mountaineering and expedition news. She has been writing about climbing and mountaineering, adventure and outdoor sports for 20+ years.

Prior to that, Angela Benavides spent time at/worked at a number of local and international media. She is also experienced in outdoor-sport consultancy for sponsoring corporations, press manager and communication executive, and a published author.