Unknown Medical Cause
(IAATO) Statement From White Desert About South Pole Medical Evacuation – 1 December 2016, 11:30 UTC.
A White Desert client, Buzz Aldrin, has been evacuated from South Pole. Mr Aldrin was visiting the Pole as part of a tourist group and while there his condition deteriorated. As a precaution, following discussion between the White Desert doctor and the US Antarctic Program (USAP) doctor, Mr Aldrin, accompanied by a member of his team, was evacuated on the first available flight out of the South Pole to McMurdo with the USAP under the care of a USAP doctor. His condition was described as stable upon White Desert doctor’s hand-over to the USAP medial team.
White Desert would like to express their gratitude to USAP at this time for their support.u2028His family have been informed of the situation. This flight is still in progress and there will be further updates when additional information is available. Source
ExWeb NSS report, final: Gold, War and a huge Ego will take us there