Rebecca McPhee

Rebecca McPhee

Title: Freelance Writer
Location: Northampton, UK
Social Media Links:


  • Topics of Expertise: Swimming, rowing, open water sports, marine wildlife, adventure travel
  • Years in This Expertise: 5+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University / MSc International Marine Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University / Diploma: Freelance Journalism, British College of Journalism / PGCE and QTS Secondary Science Education, Northampton Teacher Training Partnership
  • Years of Writing: 3
  • Certifications: MMO, PAM, PADI Rescue Diver

A Word from Rebecca McPhee

  • Why Author Chose This Career: Being a freelance writer for ExplorersWeb allows me to combine my love of ocean sports, science, and writing.
  • How Author Began Career: Whilst working for a publishing company I realized I wanted to write rather than edit. Doing this in a freelance capacity allows me to teach at the same time
  • Personal Interests: Open Water Swimming, Diving, Hiking, Rowing, Marine Conservation, Travel
A fin whale with scoliosis.

The Fin Whale With A Broken Back

A fin whale with a severely bent spine has...
portrait of Eruc at sea

Erden Eruc Ends Six Summits Project

Erden Eruc has aborted his Six Summits Project. Since...
A cliff in Morocco, with climber

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
A long-tailed macaque using a stone.

Thai Monkeys Make the Same Stone Tools As Early Humans

Monkeys in Thailand’s forests are -- unintentionally -- making...
The Amazon river.

Amazon Peoples Resist ‘Kissing-Bug Disease’

Scientists have pinpointed an exciting evolutionary mutation in South...
Portaging a yellow canoe through the woods

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
The mermaid mummy.

Foot-Long ‘Mermaid’ Mummy Discovered in Japanese Temple

In 2022, researchers found a foot-long 'mermaid' inside the...
Paddling a Patagonian fiord next to a glacier

Scottish Pair to Kayak from Punta Arenas to Cape Horn 

In the next few days, Will Copestake and Seumas...
Alexander Campbell camping in Australia

Long-Distance Hiking Roundup

Around the world, several long-distance hikes are in progress....
view of the curve of earth from space

ExWeb’s Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
The USS Albacore.

Famous World War II Submarine Found Off Japan

The U.S. Navy has confirmed that a shipwreck found...
A walrus in Scotland

Another Walrus Visits the UK

A huge walrus has made landfall in Scotland, just...
A giant armadillo and young.

Science Links of the Week 

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
Richard Kohler arrives in Brazil.

Kayaker Paddles 7,000km From South Africa to Brazil

Richard Kohler (53) has successfully kayaked 7,000km from Cape...
A crowd welcomes Richard Barnes as he lands in New Zealand.

Solo Kayak Across Tasman Sea Completed

Richard Barnes has successfully kayaked 2,000km across the Tasman...
Wanda Rutkiewicz at K2 Base Camp.

Adventure Links of the Week

When we’re not outdoors, we get our adventure fix...
snarling tiger portrait

Science Links of the Week 

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
A sailor holds a lit flare at night after finishing an Atlantic crossing.

Ocean Rowing Roundup for February, Updated

Since our last rowing roundup, all but five teams...
astronaut on Mars

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
Yann Busnel's camel.

Interview With Yann Busnel: 50,000km Overland From Cape of Good Hope to Cape Horn

Yann Busnel is attempting to travel "the longest land...
A Pallas's Cat.

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
An image of Io taken by the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper imager.

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...
cougar behind tree

Science Links of the Week

A passion for the natural world drives many of...

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