
a stone hand ax dating to at least 1.2 million years ago, with detail

Ancient ‘Workshop’ With 500+ Tools Operated by Mysterious Hominins

A dig in Ethiopia yielded an obsidian mother lode...
An artist's impression of the extinct whale.

Extinct Whale is Heaviest Animal Ever

Paleontologists have discovered a colossal extinct whale in Peru...
The fossil of the fighting animals.

Mammals Sometimes Preyed on Dinosaurs

Dominated by dinosaurs, the Cretaceous Period was a stressful...
The skull of an ancient relative of the elephant at a dig site in Florida

Retired Teacher Discovers Ancient Elephant Graveyard in Florida

Retired chemistry teacher Dean Warner was volunteering at a...

Jurassic Jaws: Reconstructing Scotland’s Ancient Killer Tadpole

Researchers have been piecing together fragments of an ancient...

Dinosaur the Size of a Blue Whale Discovered in Patagonia

Paleontologists have discovered a new species of long-necked dinosaur...
artist's rendering of a pterodactyl in flight with prey in mouth

For the Triassic’s Flying Lizards, Link to the Air Remains Missing

Pterosaurs — the family of avian dinosaurs that included...
two fossils

Couple Finds World-Class Fossil Trove in Welsh Field

What to do if you're a paleontology power couple...
artist's rendering of the bizarre tully monster

Dinosaur Worm: Weird ‘Tully Monster’ Had No Bones

For some, there’s little doubt the so-called “Tully monster”...
Brachiosaurus Altithorax Herd And A Flock Of Pterosaurs

Huge Dinosaur Had A Neck Eight Times as Long As A Giraffe’s

In the seemingly endless slew of Jurassic Park spinoffs,...

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