Rebecca McPhee

Rebecca McPhee

Title: Freelance Writer
Location: Northampton, UK
Social Media Links:


  • Topics of Expertise: Swimming, rowing, open water sports, marine wildlife, adventure travel
  • Years in This Expertise: 5+

Education & Certifications

  • Education: BSc Marine Biology, Newcastle University / MSc International Marine Environmental Consultancy, Newcastle University / Diploma: Freelance Journalism, British College of Journalism / PGCE and QTS Secondary Science Education, Northampton Teacher Training Partnership
  • Years of Writing: 3
  • Certifications: MMO, PAM, PADI Rescue Diver

A Word from Rebecca McPhee

  • Why Author Chose This Career: Being a freelance writer for ExplorersWeb allows me to combine my love of ocean sports, science, and writing.
  • How Author Began Career: Whilst working for a publishing company I realized I wanted to write rather than edit. Doing this in a freelance capacity allows me to teach at the same time
  • Personal Interests: Open Water Swimming, Diving, Hiking, Rowing, Marine Conservation, Travel

Transarctic Kiters Finish 6-Year Crossing of Siberia

In 2015, a group of Russian explorers began a...

Angela Madsen to Solo Row the Pacific Ocean

Angela Madsen, 59, is currently waiting to start her...

The Impact of COVID-19 on UK Guides

Calum Muskett, a British Mountain Guide and one of...

Killer Piranhas: Myth or Fact?

Hollywood scriptwriters and James Bond films would have you...

Alice Morrison: 2,000km Across the Sahara

On February 12, a couple of weeks before the...

Arctic 2020: The Final Roundup

With no new expeditions starting because of COVID-19, the...

Lake Baikal 2020: Season Wrap-up

Lake Baikal crossings have ended for the year. All...

Arctic 2020: Week Four Roundup

While new arctic expeditions have all been scrubbed because...

Weekend Warm-Up: Patagón

In 2013, Italian friends Giorgio Frattale and Francesco D’Alessio...

Arctic 2020: Week Three Roundup

A speed record has already fallen on Lake Baikal,...

British Soloist Sets Baikal Speed Record

Michael Stevenson has broken the speed record for an...

Weekend Warm-Up: Shades of Water-Ice

Anna von Bötticher, 49, has been freediving since 2007....

Arctic 2020: Week Two Roundup

This spring's arctic expeditions have begun to ramp up....

The Icarus Project: 3,000Km of Sledding, Then Climb Denali

In 2016, Matthieu Bélanger created the crazily ambitious Icarus...

Will Graham Walters Become the Oldest Man to Row an Ocean Solo?

Graham Walters (UK) is rowing the Atlantic for the...

Arctic 2020: The Roundup So Far

While it's early for Canadian Arctic expeditions -- the...

A 1,000km Ski Across Lapland

Today, Switzerland's Rachel Bandieri begins a solo, unsupported 1,000km...

Crossing Iceland in Winter

Polish adventurer Łukasz Supergan is no stranger to long...

Three Back-to-Back Big Wall Ascents in Patagonia

Belgian climber Siebe Vanhee has completed three big wall...

Baikal Ice Update

An all-too-familiar wrinkle these days may make it harder...

Luke Smithwick on Skiing 500 Lines in the Himalaya

Luke Smithwick completed his 71st Himalayan expedition in 2019,...

Italian Pair Complete First Winter Linkage of Matterhorn and Grandes Murailles

François Cazzanelli and Francesco Ratti have completed the first...

Lake Baikal 2020: The Crossings Begin

Six hundred and thirty-six kilometres long, 79km wide and...

Yuki Sekiguchi: Three Months Solo Through Arctic Canada

Japanese explorer Yuki Sekiguchi is in his third winter...

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